Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Spread of Christianity

It took over 700 years for Christianity to spread from Israel through Rome to the British Isles through the work of the Venerable Bede.

It has taken less than 50 years for the Scientology religion to reach every continent on earth with its Scientology Volunteer Minister program, churches, groups and missions.

I wonder if the Bede was ever accused of "proselytizing?"

Of COURSE he proselytized! That's what he was venerated for doing!

So why, is what was exhaulted in one faith, scorned in another?

Could it just be that psychiatric destruction of religiosity in the 20th Century has perverted the entire subject?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Do you realize that in 100 years when our grandkids look back at what we are doing now on planet Earth, they are going to think we are crazy. And they would be right. If you look at the wars, famine and the what we are doing to the ecology - well its pretty obvious we are out to lunch.

Something can be done to improve the world and this is what is happening, which is why I know that in the 22nd century the world is going to be a different place.

I know this because the religion of the 21st century is Scientology and it is improving conditions.
If you want more specifics on this check out this website: http://www.rtc.org/en_US/presentations/thisisscientology.html

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Why 21st Century Religion?

I named this blog 21st Century Religion not to discuss various 21st Century religions but because that's how I see Scientology. It was born in the 20th century and combines a profound understanding of the soul and mind with the most practical of modern technologies. Scientology reunites religion and science which, we are taught in school, had become progressively more separate since the time of Galileo.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I found this wonderful site that very simply explains a lot of the main religions of today. It is actually a BBC website and this section is called "Religion and Ethics."

As someone who appreciates the work that goes into a website, I think they have done a great job - this is a very well presented view and their religion editorial policy is admirable:

"Religion editorial principles

"We will ensure that the beliefs and practices of the great world faiths are described accurately and impartially.
"We will ensure the religious views and beliefs of an individual, a religion or religious denomination are not misrepresented, abused or discriminated against, as judged against generally accepted standards.

"We will reflect an awareness of the religious sensitivity of references to, or uses of, names, images, the historic deities, rituals, scriptures and language at the heart of the different faiths and ensure that any use of, or verbal or visual reference to them are treated with care and editorially justified. Examples include the Crucifixion, Holy Communion, the Koran, and the Jewish Sabbath.

"We will respect the religious sensitivity surrounding the observance of holy days and the principal festivals of the various faiths so that unnecessary offence is avoided by material that might be more acceptable at other times. "

I think there would be less war in world if these sort of policies were followed by more people.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The First Monks of England

In the 3rd and 4th Century, monks used to take the journey from the mainland of europe to England to disseminate the Christian religion to the "pagans."

A far cry from taking the tunnel under the North Sea and getting from Paris to London in just a few hours.

I guess the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Goodwill Tours are Scientology's 21st Century version of this.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Religion in the 21st Century

Some of the most advanced scientists and technological geniuses have also been the most religious.

I believe there has been far too much of an orientation away from spirituality and too much fixation on the material.

I believe people in some of the less developed countries on Earth, despite the barriers they have from lack of availability of I resources, actually have the advantage over Westerners in terms of spiritual awareness.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A 21st century religion has to provide solutions to 21st century problems.

Today drugs are just crippling society, not just street drugs either - also psychiatric drugs. People become addicted to those and lets face it, those drugs are being used to try and solve the problems of life.

Many Scientologists use the Scientology Handbook to help people through those problems so they don't have to turn to chemical "solutions."

Also at a recent event, Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, introduced a speaker who told of the massive anti-drug campaign that Scientologists around the world are promoting. To assist with this new booklets were released that give the inside information on both individual street drugs and prescription drugs - very interesting information.

If you can get a hold of the booklets you should get them and share the information.

I really want to help educate people to help prevent more addicts and this one of the most important things my religion is doing.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

How would you classify the 21st Century so far?

How would you classify the 21st Centry so far?
When I was in college in the 60's I thought by now we would have the Age of Aquarius in full swing. But instead we have Israel and Lebanon escalating a conflict up into a full-blown war, starvation in Darfur and threatening the lives of millions throughout Africa, and Americans, who have everything that 80% of the planet craves and strives for - wealth, leisure, entertainments, IPods and MacDonalds - popping pills to and being told they have a disorder and need to take the latest pharma cash cow to cope with it (never mind the side effects, so WHAT if it increases your risk of suicide 7 times over someone who doesn't take it. The psychiatrists say it's safe and they're the authorities).

I don't know about you, but I personally don't like this kind of world, and I want to do something to change it.

I'd like to see Americans spending less time on their angst and more time helping people. I personally find it terrifically therapeutic to help somebody else. It normally makes ME feel great.

But then again, I have something I can use to help people. You would be amazed how fast a simple Scientology "assist" (see the definition of an assist here) works and how fast it is to learn how to do it. In fact you can just go to the Scientology Handbook web site and read about assists there.

I see the 21st Century as the century of potential. Because Scientology IS something people can learn quickly that really works to help people and this gives us a fighting chance to change the things we find despicable about this place and make it humane and prosperous and fair.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Human Rights Religion

You could call Scientology a human rights religion.

It's part of the creed of the Church of Scientology (We of the Church believe: That all men of whatever race, color, or creed were created with equal rights). It's part of the Code of a Scientologist (To decry and do all I can to abolish any and all abuses against life and mankind).

And now Scientology churches around the world are supporting an international human rights education campaign based on 30 public service announcements, each of which illustrates one of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

You can see three of these PSAs online at the Youth for Human Rights International web site.