I found this wonderful site that very simply explains a lot of the main religions of today. It is actually a BBC website and this section is called
"Religion and Ethics."As someone who appreciates the work that goes into a website, I think they have done a great job - this is a very well presented view and their religion editorial policy is admirable:
"Religion editorial principles
"We will ensure that the beliefs and practices of the great world faiths are described accurately and impartially.
"We will ensure the religious views and beliefs of an individual, a religion or religious denomination are not misrepresented, abused or discriminated against, as judged against generally accepted standards.
"We will reflect an awareness of the religious sensitivity of references to, or uses of, names, images, the historic deities, rituals, scriptures and language at the heart of the different faiths and ensure that any use of, or verbal or visual reference to them are treated with care and editorially justified. Examples include the Crucifixion, Holy Communion, the Koran, and the Jewish Sabbath.
"We will respect the religious sensitivity surrounding the observance of holy days and the principal festivals of the various faiths so that unnecessary offence is avoided by material that might be more acceptable at other times. "
I think there would be less war in world if these sort of policies were followed by more people.