Friday, September 26, 2008

A lot of Scientologists are active in fighting drug abuse.

In the late 1960s at the birth of the drug culture L. Ron Hubbard started major research into the effects of drugs on the mind and spiritual awareness. He had to.

Lots of products of the drug generation were walking into Scientology churches, and they were not responding to the usual techniques Ron had formulated to help people. Looking into why, he found this one common denominator. Drugs. At that time it was mainly street drugs.

Now pharmaceuticals, particularly psycho-active drugs compete with street drugs in the damage they cause. Literally millions of kids get put on Ritalin, for example, for manifesting the "disorder" of childhood enthusiasm (terribly distressing to parents and teachers who like things quiet and should not have had kids in or gone into a career where they have to take care of them).

Scientologists, understanding how destructive drugs are, swear off them personally. But they also take on the job of helping others learn the truth about drugs.

This article in Scientology Today about a New Yorker named Mehgan Fialkoff, is a case in point, but there are Scientologists all over the world who are taking on this work, distributing booklets, talking to people, giving lectures, speaking out.

The Foundation for a Drug Free World has terrific anti-drug ads. I really recommend them to anyone who wants to join in the real war against drugs which has to be taken to the trenches, on a one-on-one basis, to be effective.

Do you know a kid who's at risk? Send then to see the videos. They are also online on the Scientology web site and the Scientology YouTube channel.

"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Thought I'd share this win, that I saw on the blog for the Scientology Mission of SOMA.

J.C. works in retail at a popular clothing store in San Francisco. She has just completed the Book Course on Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought. Here is her success story :

"It is my job to control many staff members and play the retail game with them. I have to have good control and create the business. I watched one of the staff members playing the game wrong and I saw this with my own eyes. She was going in the wrong direction of that game. I needed to guide her in the right direction so I stopped her game and made it clear for her to see what the right game was and the goal she had to get to and that she had to create this to get that goal. She smiled and I let her do it on her own. She immediately succeeded and I saw a great improvement in her. I was proud of myself for having good control and creating a cycle of action. I was even more happy that she created it on her own."

So many wins, since David Miscavige released the Basic Scientology and Dianetics Books and Lectures!

"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Scientology Video—Emotional Tone Scale

I spent some time watching the videos on the new Scientology video channel. I really loved the ones in the tab marked Beliefs and Practices.

One in particular is about the emotional tone scale. The tone scale is something I learned about when I first got involved in Scientology. It's very simple but I probably use it every day, one way or another. Being able to predict how someone will act or react because of their emotional tone is priceless. Knowing this has helped me get through so many things in life.

At work, if someone I'm working with is about to blow up, I can see it and I can defuse a crisis (sometimes even before it happens). In my relationships—with close friends, family members—I can't say everything is perfect, but I can say that I know how to repair any rift and get things back on the rails again.

It puts it in my hands how things are going to go in my life.

Then it's up to me.

But that's what Scientology is all about!

"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard

Friday, March 14, 2008

Scientology Videos

Wow. I just spent an hour on the new Scientology web site and watched a dozen or so videos. I am so pumped. What a great way to let people know about Scientology!

"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard

Friday, March 07, 2008

Is What's Good for the Parents What's Good for Kids?

The bossy stage-mother of the introverted adolescent, the domineering businessman whose son drops out, the minister's profligate son––there are so many examples of kids disappointment their parents it almost becomes a cliché.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Travolta in St. Pete for Sunscreen Film Festival

Actor John Travolta and his wife, actress Kelly Preston, were in downtown St. Petersburg Tuesday night, promoting the launch of the third annual Sunscreen Film Festival at an invitation-only event.

read more | digg story

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Web Site Lists Government Recognitions of Scientology Religion

Courts have determined that Scientology must be treated the same as other religions throughout Europe, including decisions concerning Scientology rendered by the European Court of Human Rights and the European Commission on Human Rights which establish binding precedent in all 46 European countries that have signed and ratified the European Convention on Human Rights.

In addition to the European Court of Human Rights and the European Commission on Human Rights decisions, Scientology has also been recognized as a religion through numerous judicial and administrative rulings in many European countries. Finally Scientology has been recognized and registered as a religion in many countries that have a religious registry.

"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Scientology in society

Found this article on The New Statesman. It's by Ken Eckersley, a founding Scientologist who's been active in the religion just about since the start.

What I liked best is he expressed exactly how I feel about what we do in society, and why I volunteer my time on our social betterment programs.

Because the fundamentals upon which Scientology rests embrace all aspects of life, certain key principles can be broadly employed to better any condition. Scientologists use these principles in their daily lives, and I have found that their usage alone can often make the difference between success and failure.

One of these principles provides a means to separately view the components of life so that its many activities, often confused, can assume a new clarity. L. Ron Hubbard discovered that the basic drive behind all of life is “Survive!” This dynamic urge can be subdivided into eight parts so that each one can be more easily inspected and understood. These parts are called the eight dynamics, and by understanding each of them and their relationship, one to the other, a person is able to increase his or her survival on all of them.

What I found was that these dynamics describe one’s drive to survive for self, family, groups, mankind, all life, the physical universe, the spiritual universe and the Infinite or Supreme Being, and I have personally used Scientology to enhance my survival in all of these spheres.

My parents and other family have helped me in numerous ways and I have been able to return that help. For example, in his twenties, my brother was able to rid himself of 19 years of asthma through Dianetics procedures. My first wife, after several years of non-conception, was diagnosed as totally incapable of bearing children, yet later gave birth to our two beautiful girls as a direct result of Scientology spiritual counselling.'As to groups, without membership of the C of E church choir, my Boy Scout Troop, the Air Cadets, my teachers and fellow pupils in the various schools I attended and without my colleagues in the companies in which I worked - I could never have achieved my present 80 years of enjoyment of life, and my good health and high level of activity in the community. Over that period I have regularly studied Scientology, and still do every week. Without this, I know my life to date could never have been as full or as satisfying to both myself and others, and might also have been much shorter.

Then there is the broader group we call Mankind. My Scientology beliefs guide me in contributing in numerous ways to other people. I voluntarily help to run a Narconon drug rehabilitation and prevention education charity, with a high success rate in helping our students achieve complete abstinence for life. I also work with the Citizens Commission on Human Rights; the Volunteer Ministers community help group; the Foundation for a Drug Free Europe in Brussels; Criminon the criminal rehabilitation programme; and with The Way To Happiness Foundation distributing a common sense guide to better living. I also support my wife in her work with Applied Scholastics the revolutionary teaching system which is today helping so many of our youth to escape illiteracy. Groups all utilising the work of L. Ron Hubbard.

Without all this, I could never be as fulfilled as I am. You have only to see the light of comprehension in the eyes of a child or a young offender; you have only to witness the relief of an individual who is now off heroin and holding down a job, or the relief of one who has just escaped physical or emotional pain - to know the value of Mr Hubbard’s work.

"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard