Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Metanexus Institute is a very interesting organization whose purpose is: Promoting the constructive engagement of science, religion and the humanities in the communal pursuit of wisdom in order to address humanity’s most profound questions and challenges. It's an "international network of scientists, theologians, philosophers, historians and other scholars in the humanities, educators, artists, and religious leaders, fostering interdisciplinary, intercultural, and inter-religious collaboration in pursuit of new insights and a better future."

I'm all for that. There is certainly a need of greater cooperation and a respect for the religious beliefs of others in a technological age.

"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard

In Remembrance of Ghandi

On the 138th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, world leaders reflected on the message of this wise man and his affect on history. "Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh welcomed Tuesday as the first International Day of Non-Violence coinciding with Mahatma Gandhi's 138th birthday.

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Monday, October 01, 2007

Crime May Pay But at What Cost?

How outrageous is it that 83-year-old Texas oil tycoon Oscar Wyatt can settle and buy his way out of facing the full consequences of his Iraq-created crimes? And what is the real impact of what he did in the lives and survival potential of the people of that country?

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