I called this blog the 21st Century Religion blog because that's really what Scientology is. It is the only major religion to be born in the 20th Century and has experienced the greatest expansion in its 60 year history in the past seven years.
L. Ron Hubbard in the Founder of the Scientology religion. He is not considered a "prophet" or God. He was a genius and his written and recorded works are the Scripture of Scientology. With an understanding of the basic principles of Scientology there is literally nothing the individual cannot understand and accomplish in life.
The leader of the Scientology religion is David Miscavige. His is a young, vibrant, compassionate man whose work has directly resulted in the expansion of Scientology since he assumed the responsibility of being the ecclesiastical leader in 1986.
The Scientology web site is set up to answer any questions a person may have about this 21st Century Religion, and starts you off with information you can use to improve your relationships and life.
"You may have been taught that the mind is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life."—L. Ron Hubbard
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