Mr. David Miscavige--Releases new Dianetics Film
The Scientology web site has this description of last summer's release by David Miscavige of the brand new book-on-film called How to Use Dianetics. This has totally revolutionized the application of Dianetics auditing (counseling). In the course of a weekend you can do a seminar, using this film, and twin up with someone and dig in on the things you always wanted to handle and never knew how.
In June 2009, Mr. David Miscavige announced the single most momentous advance in Dianetics technology since the day of its original publication on May 9, 1950. Here's what it says:
It was a project personally overseen by Mr. Miscavige for the better part of four years and culminating in the release of materials that would make Dianetics universally accessible.
The goal: to provide every group, Mission and Scientology Church with the ability to deliver Dianetics counseling as L. Ron Hubbard originally intended.
Central to the advance was an audiovisual release that propels the subject and study of Dianetics into the 21st century. Specifically, there are now 32 new films in 15 languages—a total of four and a half hours of visual instruction in the principles and procedures of Dianetics.
As Mr. Miscavige announced to an international audience of Scientologists, “These films are not about Dianetics. Rather, they are films of Dianetics.” To that end, benefiting from the advancements of this visual communications age and computer-generated special effects, the films provide an unprecedented level of comprehension to the viewer.
Like Book One itself (so named as it was the first major work on the subject), the films begin in simplicity and develop into broader application. To ensure full understanding, every facet of Dianetics counseling, called auditing, is described and depicted in several ways, then reintroduced again and again through subsequent films.
The DVD package consists of two discs: The first, How to Use Dianetics, comprises 14 chapters. It opens with the basics and, step by step, presents every concept needed to begin Dianetics therapy.
Once an individual is auditing, Disc Two, Aspects of Auditing, comes into play. Each of its 18 chapters (3 hours total) is a self-contained film expanding upon a single aspect of Dianetics and providing total comprehension relative to auditing.
This tour de force presentation delivers a mastery of Book One never before possible.
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