Saturday, December 30, 2006

How Would You Score the Decade So Far?

Personally, I wouldn't score it all that high.

The first year wasn't all that bad except for the disappointment, for me, in the way the election turned out. Let it be known as the year of the chads (or how Florida's inability to perform an election recount resulted in two terms of war).

Of course 2001 will be known as the year of 9/11 (at least as long as America is a superpower).

Then 2002 - shall we call that the year of Afghanistan? The year we got rid of the Taliban and the opium harvest was brought back to life?

2003 - Well that has to be the year of Iraq.

2004 - More Iraq, and somehow GWB still managed to get himself a second term. Despite Michael Moore.

2005 - more deaths

2006 - The year of Sadam? How many of his lawyers were murdered en route to his being deemed guilty and sentenced to death by hanging?

Now it's 2007. And what does that bode for us?

Well, not much better unless we change things.

And we can change things, too.

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